Friday, 31 October 2014

Attended  The 2nd International Postgraduate Colloqium (InPac) at School of Languages,  Literacies  and Translation  USM on 30th October'14.
Title: Charting Academic Excellence Through Sustainable Graduate Research.

Yes, a great match for us hunting to and fro for the papers and presenters to be surveyed. The best spot ever was to exchange new thoughts and share the latest knowledge in various fields and topics. These student-led colloquiums had succeeded in gathering students and individuals to play the roles as an educators that keen on exploring and sharing their research stories.
     There were 4 rooms to endure our thoughts and interest, Conference Hall,Seminar Room,Tutorial Room 1 and a  D09A class. I had been able to caught the glimpse of 12 research papers and also some promises to share the papers through e-mails, thanks to Hanan (Iran),Shikin (Ipoh), Norsarihan Ahmad(Sabah), Sufian (Bangladesh),Mariyam(Iran) and others. Everybody had performed well and may we bloom to gain success in future and for the sake of fruitful  knowledge and a culture of excellence .