Saturday, 20 December 2014

Well, this week had been another hectic days for us to experience the  heat of knowledge and its quite an interesting slot to undergo whilst a few of students registered for this intensive class. Well 4 days to cover  BI, Maths and Science as well as straightening the topics and lessons. So to begin with, the class had focused on the errors and mistakes that the students had pursued and also focused on drilling the lessons and sums related.  After that, one of the tutor had  pointed out the smart ways to hitch  it out. Furthermore she  also showed  the art of learning and did some exercises through interactive lessons on Students had been given drilling documents onto their lap tops for them to enhance during the extra days of  near-ended-school holiday too.
   Venue: Basic Educare Class
       Date:  16th December - 19th December 2014.
            Time : 3.00pm - 6.00pm.

Self access learning... lots of enhancement towards future studies in Maths and English Language.Let's strive!


Thursday, 18 December 2014

Hi again...quite a while since any activity is uploaded...
as usuall when holiday turn in so does our programme,  will pop out as the fliers and the billboard are there...

     Intensive BI & Maths ( on HOTS)
Venue: Conference Hall of  Masjid At Taqwa, Kepala Batas.
   Date 8th - 10th December
    Students : 72
    Collaboration with The Mukmin Camp 2 conducted by the group of youth  and leads by Imam Muda Ar-Razi.

Alhamdulillah the programme had ended nicely.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Equipt ourselves with FUTURE STUDIES...

   Lets us have a view  about what this connection has in store for us.

Friday, 31 October 2014

Attended  The 2nd International Postgraduate Colloqium (InPac) at School of Languages,  Literacies  and Translation  USM on 30th October'14.
Title: Charting Academic Excellence Through Sustainable Graduate Research.

Yes, a great match for us hunting to and fro for the papers and presenters to be surveyed. The best spot ever was to exchange new thoughts and share the latest knowledge in various fields and topics. These student-led colloquiums had succeeded in gathering students and individuals to play the roles as an educators that keen on exploring and sharing their research stories.
     There were 4 rooms to endure our thoughts and interest, Conference Hall,Seminar Room,Tutorial Room 1 and a  D09A class. I had been able to caught the glimpse of 12 research papers and also some promises to share the papers through e-mails, thanks to Hanan (Iran),Shikin (Ipoh), Norsarihan Ahmad(Sabah), Sufian (Bangladesh),Mariyam(Iran) and others. Everybody had performed well and may we bloom to gain success in future and for the sake of fruitful  knowledge and a culture of excellence .

Friday, 26 September 2014


Hi  to all..
I think it's time for me to highlight a few lessons that is cramp respectively in my  BEC Modules.
So let's  have a view...


Noun -  Names of many  sides  of   people -  siblings, pronoun, occupation, names and relative

      1.  sister  -  My   sister is kind.  
                                                           2.  Brother -   Her brother is my best friend since  I was a kid.   
                        3. Little brother is on the bed laughing.    
                            4.  Elder brother is reading on the chair
                   5. Big sister is reading  on the floor
                   6. They are both reading.

He is my brother.
She is my mother.
You are my friend.
They  are  clever  .
Our cats are dead.
This is her bag.
I am very smart.

1. That  teacher is very beautiful and kind.
               2.  Can you see that  the  mechanic is already here?
3. All the policemen  are at the scene.
1. Sarina is a bright girl.
2. Adnan and Hamdan are my dearest  friends.
3. Mr Lee is my Fizik teacher.
4.  Mak Limah is sad because her daughter is sick.

1. Amin's uncle is in the hospital now.
2.  My  grandmother is happy to help her neighbour.

Okay ...that is for today's  browsing...till next  chapter,  adios ! - adz Bec Educare.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

School Break Camp 1

Date: 17th & 18th September 2014 Venue: Intan Homestay Taman Bertam Indah Kepala Batas Penang. Participant : 23 students. Activities : Basic Grammar,Construct Sentences,checklist,daily conversation,mini acting & playing with words. Games: Indoor & outdoor Qiamulail Training. Objective:Enables students to be skillful in their role of observation/application/learning thus it design a joyful environment that meets their needs as student. It also develop interpersonal and communication skills to collaborate with others with smart ways to transfer education into practices.

   All Allwork and no play makes  it a dull there's timeto h
ave their freedom anyway.
Practices that boost their morale towards  the overall outlook, attitude, satisfaction, and confidence 
Modules and handouts .

UPSR...Something gain but nothing loose.

For those who had to resit UPSR again please be reassured and confident that you all can do it successfully right! No fear coz you had already prepared everything and take it as a challenge...
Drilling english through chosen websites.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Come on students, lets score in PT3

Hi, it's been a long year for me and now I'm back again with a 'checklist' so just go on viewing ....and don't forget to do some revision.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Sharing is caring...

There're a few of my students wanted to do more on their assignment and urged for some input to explore.Nevertheless here's my slide to be enganged on. So keep on track, kiddo!

Friday, 25 April 2014

Lets do some exercises here.

These are the words which are both Noun and Verb.
Construct sentences using the noun/verb here.

1,   act -  The act of laziness is a playful deeds to  him .-  noun
                 She acts recklessly just now.  - verb


Give your answer through this Url.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

        Well, Alhamdulillah... ended well . Intensive English and Science ( Topic 4) for UPSR had just completed. Hope it wud enhance the candidates in their future undertaking. Soon the PT3/PMR student will be next and then the SPM candidates will be attended later.

Venue: Adz Bec Educare, Taman Bertam Indah.
Time: 9.00 am - 12 noon
Date : 25 & 26th March '14

English - Drilling on  interactive lessons  with grammar,writing and construct sentences.( 10 sets of exercises)
Science - Covering topics in Year 6.
             -  Drilling & revision.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

If anybody wanted to register for MUET, I guess here it is..
      1.     http://webRegister MUET
       2.       Official MUET

Try and have a peek to the MUET 2014 Calendar:
                  MUET 2014 Calendar.

   than  just go for a lessons down here:-

           Good Luck! -adz

Thursday, 23 January 2014

      This will enhance everybody's skll and for sure, it was an interesting ventures for students and  tutors to be endured in one big step of a new integrated sketch as padlet. Come on and join us!


Tuesday, 21 January 2014

We had conducted a workshop for the UPSR  2014 candidates on November & December 2013. Alhamdulillah, it was smoothly presented.

Intensive Webucation Class. - UPSR

Every student had to do their assignment such as construct an essays in group and also a little bit Quiz and test.

- adz