Sunday, 11 November 2012

Yes,thank God...all well ends well. The workshop were superb and the students were  nice and cooperative. Activities were carried on as schedule, dialogue,basic com.skill,role-play and smart ICT.
8.30am -  registration.
8.45am - Intro - Getting to know - dialogue.
9-10.30am- Ice-breaking activity.
                      Wishing board.
1.30pm-4.15pm- Smart IT - Presentation
                                                                                  -  Self printed Comic strip.
 Yes, fewer from the previous program but then it did 'happening.'
The students were occupied all the time.
4.45pm - 5.30pm -enhance Grammar( Construct Sentences.)
  - Role-play
5.30pm - Ended, they were presented with gifts and certificates and  also  presents were awarded to the winners.
We will meet again in the next workshop next year.It will be in sequence of course.