Due to the coming UPSR, I 'd taken a great step to bz myself with the drilling & revision. Yup..and also I seems to be pushing my students to get the best grip & well prepared for it.
So on Paper 2 here are the 3 sections that can be put to practice then.
1- A- sentence construction.What must you do?
First read the given words and think about a way to write them.
Study the pictures & name the characters if necessary.
Use adjectives if possible.
Check spelling,grammar & punctuation marks.
(10 marks & 15 minutes.)
2-B- Information transfer.Part a, you have to transfer the information and complete them.
Part b, make a choice and give reasons by using from the table given.
Do include good & interesting reasons.
(15 marks & 25 minutes.)
3-C- Note Expansion.Expand the notes using the pictures which are about a story or a happening.
Use complete sentences.
(This section carries 15 marks & 35 minutes to spend.)
p/s: Also pls look over this tips.